About this site
There are many kinds of drawing. All of them represent something.
Drawing can both represent and express our feelings and thoughts, our dreams, or our ideas – all products of our imagination. There is also the drawing from real life which aims to perfectly represent visual reality.
Anyone can learn to draw from real life. It’s a skill rather than an art. If we are patient enough and inquisitive enough to observe things carefully, we can represent them in drawing. We can immediately judge our proficiency in representational drawing by direct comparison with what’s in front of our eyes.
The activity of drawing will make us increasingly observant and the drawing process absorbs us totally into the moment.
DrawToSee has been initiated by artist and teacher, David Noble.
David has been involved with art education for many years and has been reappraising the value of drawing directly and accurately from real life.
More about David's approach here....
"Peasmarsh Church Interior" - Pencil drawing 42x58 cm